You’ll also find that our site will change slightly with the seasons including new pictures, colors and layouts that fit with the time of year.
New and dynamic information
Information will be posted right here on the front page making it simple for you to find out what’s going on. Older posts will be categorized and search-able via the search tools in the bottom right corner so you can go back and find information quickly and easily.
Useful Tools and Links
Check out the links to the right. Here you’ll find useful information such as Road Reports, useful telephone numbers, information and links to various fire prevention resources, and more.
Fun Stuff
There is also a new photo gallery, bulletin board (where you can post pictures!), a page with area webcams, and links to more, plus a whole host of other features. Most of the photos you find throughout our new site are clickable and will take you to larger scale images. Try it. Use the “back” button to navigate back to where you were.
Security / Privacy
As a Lilac Park Homeowner, you should receive an e-mail containing the password to protected areas of the web site. If you didn’t receive the password, drop us a note (It’s the same password we used on the old site). If you received it and are having trouble logging in, be sure you have cookies enabled AND that your “caps lock” key isn’t on.
We hope you like our new site! Please leave your comments on the bulletin board page. We want to hear from you. Bookmark this page (press ‘ctrl + D’ to bookmark) and check back for the latest news and happenings from Lilac Park and Arnold.