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ALPHA Board Meeting July 3 2021
The meeting was called to order at 10:04 A. M. at the pool.
Board members present: Bruce Manildi Karen Nelson Mark Nelson Bob Powell, Kathy Powell and Jeff Lindevald.
Guests present: Debbie Ulrey (Lot #6) Shelly Fontes (Lot #48), Alethia & Jamie Pickens (Lot #134), Kelly & John Lenig (Lot #143), and Christie Hatfield (Lot #63).
A quorum was established, and those present introduced themselves.
Open Forum:
1. Neighbor wants adjacent lot to be sold, has never been cleaned up or cleared.
The minutes from the previous meeting (6/12/21) were read. Correction is that the VIP program is up and running with training on 6/3/21. New state law advises your house cannot be sold without a Cal Fire clearance. Mark moved, Bruce 2nd, to approve the minutes with these corrections. APPROVED
1. Letter outlining the CC&R’s for Lilac Park was sent to the owner of the Airbnb.
2. Lilac Park boundaries cannot be changed, in response to a request to allow additional properties into the HOA.
3. Lot #166 was sent a pre-lien letter.
President’s Report:
1. Shelly’ husband cleared the common area for $1500. Bob Powell cut limbs and brush.
2. Bruce moved, Jeff 2nd, to add Shelly Fontes to the ALPHA Board. APPROVED
3. Kathy wants to form a budget committee regarding the pool, to meet at 10:00 A. M. on 7/17/21. Alethia Bruce, Bob, Shelly, and Mark volunteered to be on the committee.
Treasurer’s Report:
1. Checking account balance: $19,381.54
2. Savings account balance: 27,946.34
3. 16 properties owe 2021 dues; 2 owe late fees; 2 are due pre-lien letters due to excess arrears.
4. Snack bar sales of $222 so far this season. Ice cream is the big seller.
Pool Manager’ Report:
1. Pool passed County inspection.
2. 654 bathers representing 49 lots to date have used the pool.
3. $2600 spent on pool repairs and maintenance thus far.
Committee Reports:
1. Social Committee
A. Hot August Wine Night scheduled for Saturday, 8/14, 6-8 P. M.
B. Annual HOA Meeting scheduled for Saturday, 9/04. Meeting @ 2:00 P. M., tri-tip BBQ @ 3:30 with pot luck brought by homeowners.
2. ARC Committee: No report
3. Collections Committee: 2 pre=lien letters sent
Old Business:
1. Wall repairs: a temporary fix was installed, permanent fix forthcoming.
2. Roof weeper holes: No progress
3. Call for candidates: Still open, one seat available.
4. Workman Comp audit still pending.
New Business:
1. Minutes will not be posted on Facebook will send an e-mail notification through the database.
Next meeting scheduled for August 7 at 10:00 A. M. at the pool.
Meeting adjourned at 10:41 A. M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Lindevald