August 14, 2021 Board Minutes- Approved

ALPHA Board Meeting August 14, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 10:07 A. M. at the pool.

Board Members Present: Kathy Powell, Bob Powell, Mike Willemsen, Karen Nelson, Mark Nelson, Bruce
Manildi, and Jeff Lindevald

Guests: Christine Hatfield (Lot #63), Debbie Beck (Lot #207), Marjorie Dorton (Lots #175 & 187),
William Meany (Lot #172), Kelly & John Lenig (Lot #143); via Zoom: Sharon Leach (Lot #19), Mary
Boblet (Lot #176)
Quorum was established. Everyone introduced themselves.

Public Comments:

  1. Lots of new faces; people need to be informed and involved.
    The minutes from the previous meeting (7/3/21) were read. Bruce moved, Mike 2ⁿᵈ to approve the
    minutes as read.


  1. Complaint received of one lot on Shady Circle with lots of cars. (Lot #94). Mike will talk to
    the homeowner.
  2. Quiet hours are 10 P. M. to 7 A. M. per CC&R’s.
  3. Lot #104 sold, lot #159 sold, lot #21 sold; lots #109 #110, and #69 are pending. Approved with change to Lot 104 Taken off the Market.

President’s Report:

  1. Budget committee recap: we need a line item in the budget for Reserve Funding (currently
    30,000/year negative). Reserve is supposed to be 70% funded, we are currently 10% funded. We cannot
    conduct an in-house reserve study, needs to be outside trained company specializing in reserve
    studies. Expect to spend $750/year for the next three years for a reserve study.
  2. Old Data Base: The link expired, but all the data was backed up on QuickBooks. Looking for
    quotes to reestablish link. Bruce, Kelly and John volunteered to work on the repair.
  3. Kathy wants to send out a letter to the HOA looking for feedback and options on how to raise
    money for the reserves. Approved by consensus.
  4. Letter was sent to Airbnb owners regarding CC&R rules for them to hang in their cabins.

Treasurer’s Report:

  1. Checking account balance: $12,781.72
  2. Savings account balance: 27,951.01
  3. 17 lots still owe money; 14 owe 2021 dues, 3 owe late fees; of the 14, 3 owe in excess of 2021
    dues. 1 is on a payment plan, 2 have been pre-liened.
  4. 2022 operating budget was presented. Bob moved, Bruce 2ⁿᵈ to approve the budget presented. 4
    yes/3 no
  5. Bruce moved, Bob 2ⁿᵈ to increase the dues on the improved lots to $240 and reduce the dues on
    the unimproved lots to $180. APPROVED
  6. We passed the Workman’s Comp audit.

Pool Manager’s Report:

  1. The pool had more visitors than usual, no hard numbers since the website crashed.
  2. The pool will be open on weekends only through Labor Day. Weekday hours modified to 1-5 P. M.
    starting Wednesday, 8/18 due to attendants returning to school.
  3. Pool needs replacement sooner than later due to leakage issues.

Committee Reports:
Social Committee:

  1. Hot August wine night tonight 6-8 P. M.
  2. Annual HOA meeting with BBQ and potluck SATURDAY, 9/4 at 2 P. M.
    ARC Committee: Reminder to check with the Board when building.
    Collections Committee: Two liens filed.

Old Business:

  1. Wall repair: in progress; temporary fix in place.
  2. Roof weeper holes: no progress.
  3. Call for candidates still open, need one more to fill the Board
    New Business:
  4. Considering rules and regulations for Airbnb/ rentals. 25% of HOA CAN BE rentals; do we want to
    put restrictions in place?
  5. Need to create a new website; Kelly Bruce and John to work on it.
  6. Update pro-forma budget due to Davis-Sterling Act changes/

Next meeting, annual meeting, set for September 4 at 2:00 P. M. at the pool.

Meeting adjourned 11:44 A. M. Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Lindevald