Homeowners Meeting: 4p to 5p
Potluck BBQ: 5p to ?
The Association is providing plenty of Tri-tip but is asking homeowners who are planning to attend to bring a side-dish or desert, as has been done in years past.
If your last name begins with
A through M: please bring a side dish. If your last name begins with N through Z: please bring a desert.
WHAT: This is our annual event where Lilac Park Homeowners get to come and get a feel for what the board has been up to for the last 12 months and find out what’s coming in the next 12. The board has approved the budget for 2013 and it is ready to be distributed to the Association for review.
WHO: All ALPHA Homeowners and their guests are invited. The Potluck BBQ is open to ALL Lilac Park residents, not just homeowners.