ALPHA Board of Directors Names New President

To fill the vacancy left by Frank Samuelson’s delayed recovery from a fall last year, the ALPHA Board of Directors has named Mark Carlson as President of the Board.

Well, that’s me. In case you’re wondering who “me” is, I’m the one who writes the posts / articles on the ALPHA web site and sends the email updates.

I accepted Mike Willemsen’s nomination for board president because I saw a need to make a few changes to how the board of directors operates and to bring the ALPHA into compliance with state law.

So what does that mean?

With a background in the technology industry, I saw an opportunity to modernize many of the procedures and workflows that will allow the board to operate more efficiently and hopefully provide you, the homeowner, with the most positive experience possible when you have contact with the board of directors.

Over the last year, the ALPHA web site and email have become key communication tools between the board and you. Since we launched it in January 2011, we’ve received a number of positive comments regarding the site and the automatic updates you receive when a new article is posted to it. We look forward to the continued use of these tools in the future.

The board is currently taking steps to formalize a collection policy and with the number of homes for sale in Lilac Park, an architectural review policy is also coming. The purpose of these polices is simply to provide clarity to those already-existing elements of the CC&Rs/ By-Laws, and many are required by law.

While change is coming to the board, we also look forward to bringing back some traditions that have been forgotten in recent years. Beginning later this spring, ALPHA plans to organize and host a number of social events at the pool.

Sue Lynch has agreed to chair the Social Events Committee and together with Karen Nelson and Ahna Brown, they’ve got some great ideas for events including root a beer float socials, movie night, kids’ swim night, and wine tasting and finger-food-potlucks. Nothing is set in stone yet, so look to the web site and your email for more information as the weather warms up some.

We look forward to a great year in 2012 with a few planned improvements like new solar panels for the pool, some new paint, and a few other updates. Personally, I look forward to swimming in warm water this year.

Anyway, as your board, we’re here to serve you, the homeowner’s association, so if you if you have any questions or comments, please email them to me at



Thank you, Frank.

Many of you are aware that Frank Samuelson, ALPHA’s President for the last several years, was injured in a fall at his cabin here in Lilac Park last September.

Shortly after his fall, Frank underwent surgery to repair a broken hip and is currently in a rehab facility in Concord. Frank’s recovery has been slow-going over the last seven months, with some improvements and some setbacks.

According to Mike Willemsen, ALPHA’s Vice President, Frank’s slowed recovery will prevent him from fulfilling the duties of the office of President of the Board anytime soon.

As a result, the Board of Directors unanimously moved Frank away from the office of President and has named him ALPHA’s first “Honorary Board Member for Life” in recognition for all that he’s done for Lilac Park over the last 25 + years. While there are certainly other homeowners in Lilac Park also worthy of this recognition, the current Board of Directors wanted to recognize Frank and thank him for his leadership and past contributions to our community.

The board of directors is asking ALPHA homeowners to send Frank a card or note of encouragement to the address you will be receiving via email. For Frank’s overall privacy, we did not want to publish it here.

Thanks for all you’ve done, Frank. We appreciate you.

The ALPHA Board of Directors.

Fire Danger / Water Conservation

Fire Danger Increasing
With one of the driest winters on record and a lack of foreseeable precipitation this spring, the fire danger is likely to be VERY high this year. Unless we get substantial rain and snow in March/April, we can look forward to a dry summer that comes with a significant threat of wild fire in our community.

Please take the appropriate steps to protect your property and community by removing dead or dying timber (whether standing or not), clearing your lot(s) appropriately of needles, slash, and other potentially flammable debris. There are a number of trees in Lilac Park infected with the Bark Beetle and these should be removed to reduce fire loading and to prevent spreading these pests to healthy trees.

See CalFire’s Lot Clearance Guidelines for appropriate clearances and other things you can do to protect your property. Start early, doing a little bit over a longer period of time helps make it an easier task. If you are unable to do this yourself, consider hiring a lot clearing service. Preliminary CalFire inspections have already begun.

Water Conservation
The lack of rainfall and snow in the Sierras this winter will also have an impact on water storage that comes from the many lakes, streams, and rivers in our area. Proper water conservation practices are crucial to preventing heavy restrictions on use of water and most are relatively simple and inexpensive to put into use around your Lilac Park home.

Here are just a few tips to help conserve:

  • When washing dishes by hand, don’t let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.
  • Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to 1,000 gallons a month.
  • If your shower fills a one-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, replace the showerhead with a water-efficient model.
  • Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then reuse it to water houseplants.
  • Upgrade older toilets with water efficient models or, as a less expensive alternative, replace the internal flush assembly with a water conserving model.

Here’s 100 tips you can use around your home and business to help conserve water.


ALPHA Board Meeting – March 3

Arnold Lilac Park Homeowners Association Board Meeting

  • Saturday, March 3, 2012
  • 2:00pm to 4:00pm
  • Location: Arnold Public Library
  • Lilac Park Homeowners are welcome.
  • This meeting is being held a little later in the day than usual.


Just a friendly reminder that HOA Assessments are due by April 30, 2012.

Where are your assessments going?

Some of the 2011 Capital Projects and Association Events:

  • New roof structure over pool house to support new solar panels
  • New walking bridge over culvert from parking lot to pool
  • New Lilac Park Sign on Lilac Drive and Highway 4
  • Kitchen interior was painted (paint was purchased, labor was donated)
  • Updated, interactive web site
  • July 4th Swim Party and BBQ
  • Annual Association Meeting and BBQ
  • Common area clean up

A few of the planned 2012 Capital Projects and Association Events:

  • New Solar Panels! (installation planned for May, we look forward to 80*+ water!)
  • Repair or Replacement of chain-link fence along back of pool area
  • Repair or replacement of the playground equipment (up for consideration)
  • July 4th Swim Party and BBQ
  • Annual Association Meeting and BBQ
  • Common area clean up
  • ???

2012 is going to be a busy year with many new items up for consideration. Check the board minutes to stay up to date on happenings within our community. If you have ideas you would like to submit to the board, please drop us a note to


ALPHA Board Meeting – Feb 4

Arnold Lilac Park Homeowners Association Board Meeting

  • Saturday, February 4
  • 10:00a to noon-ish
  • Location: Arnold Public Library
  • Lilac Park Homeowners are welcome.
  • There was no board meeting in January.

Have you moved?

Has your mailing address changed in the last 12 months? Has your email address or telephone number changed recently?

If you answer “yes” to either of these questions, please take a moment and send us your new contact information by visiting our Update Page.

You will need the homeowner password to access this page. Drop us a note if you need the password.

Published: 2012 Pro Forma Budget


The 2012 Pro Forma Budget has been published. You may access it by clicking on the Homeowners Only link above or just click here.

You will need the homeowner password for the web site to access it. It is in Adobe PDF format, which requires the Acrobat Reader. (click here to get it)

2012 Pro-Forma Budget

The 2012 Pro-Forma Budget is nearly completed. It is expected to be published on Tuesday, December 27, 2011.

If you receive email billing but would prefer to have a paper copy of the pro-forma budget mailed to you via USPS, please send us a note to The board of directors will be happy to mail it to you, but please keep in mind that the budget packet is fairly thick and postage costs per each-copy-mailed are high. Anyone who does not receive email billing will automatically have a copy sent via USPS to the address on file with the board.

The board of directors will publish the electronic version of the pro-forma budget to the web site in .pdf format which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. (get it here for free) Once published, notification of how to access it will be posted here, on the ALPHA web site. You will need the homeowner password for the web site to view it.

If you indicated your preference for this in 2010, please be aware that the board is continuing to update records in our Member Database with your individual billing and notification preferences as we have them, but this process is ongoing and won’t be completed by the 12/27/11 date of the pro-forma publication.

If you have any questions, please contact the board at or leave a message at 209.795.3807.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the ALPHA Board! We wish you a safe and joyous Holiday.

Your Board of Directors,

Frank Samuelson, Mike Willemsen, Mark & Karen Nelson, Cora Bell, Sue Lynch, Mark & Maria Carlson, Ahna Brown, and Gaylord Blackburn.