Frank Samuelson in Hospital

On behalf of the Arnold Lilac Park Homeowners Association Board of Directors, I wanted to post a note about Frank Samuelson, our Board President.

On September 3, Frank took a fall at his home in Lilac Park. His injuries did not appear too serious initially, but after some persuasion, paramedics were called to his home and Frank was transported to Mark Twain in San Andreas and later moved to Kaiser in Manteca where he is likely to undergo surgery for unspecified fractures in his hip and/or leg.

We ask that you keep Frank in your thoughts and prayers. More information to follow.

New Pool Hours through September 5

The Lilac Park Pool has new hours through the end of the season.

The pool will be open Thursday through Sunday from 12noon to 6pm. It is closed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Pool Hours
Mon – Wed : CLOSED
Thu – Sun : 12noon – 6pm

The last day the pool will be open is Monday, September 5, 2011.

2011 Annual Homeowners Meeting

2011 ALPHA Annual Meeting for Homeowners

Sunday, September 4, 2011 at 4pm

Lilac Park Swimming Pool

Lilac Park Homeowners and their families

We’re going to do a potluck format. The Association at large will provide the meat for this event. Any homeowners planning to attend, we ask that you bring a side dish.

The pool will be open on the 4th so you can swim!

The Lilac Park sign is back up!

As of this posting, I’m not sure who completed this work, but they did a nice job installing our new sign. The old one was heavily damaged following the record snow fall we had this past winter.

It looks great!

Photo by Grace Neurath
August 2011

Click the photo for a larger image.

ALPHA Annual Homeowners Meeting

The Annual ALPHA Homeowners Meeting will be September 4, 2011 at the Lilac Park Pool. More information to follow.

There are sure to be plenty of food, friendship, and fun!

August Board Meeting –

Sorry for the late notice, a lot of people have been away from Arnold lately!

Arnold Lilac Park Homeowners Association Board Meeting

  • Saturday, August 20, 2011
  • 10:00a to noon-ish
  • At the Lilac Park Pool.
  • Lilac Park Homeowners are welcome.

For Landlords: Tenant Authorization Form for Pool

Hi Everyone, this is a note for those who use their Lilac Park homes as rentals. I know, there’s only a month left in the pool season, but we needed to get this done sooner than later.

There is a new “Tenant Authorization Form” under the Pool section of the web site. If you use your cabin as a rental, particularly a short-term rental, please use this form to generate the printed authorization for them to use the pool. The info this form collects is sent to the board, the pool attendants, and to you. Once the form is completed, you’ll get an authorization via e-mail right away. This will make it easy to send the authorization to your short-term tenants via e-mail, which they will print and take with them.

If your place is a long-term rental and you have existing month-to-month tenants, please complete the form as soon as you can so we can update our records.

It’s going to be warm this weekend! Safe travels.

The ALPHA Board of Directors

Regular HOA Board Meeting Cancelled

The regular HOA Board Meeting scheduled for this weekend (Saturday, July 9, 2011) has been cancelled because nearly all of the regular business was completed at the special board meeting this past weekend. What wasn’t addressed at the last meeting will be at the next one.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 6. A reminder will be posted here and will also go out via e-mail preceding that event.

The ALPHA Board of Directors


When: Today, July 3, 2011 from noon to ???

Where: Arnold Lilac Park Swimming Pool

Why: Discussion of various topics including, but not limited to:
Recent board changes and future plans, allocation of board duties to board members, swimming pool solar project, common area improvements, guest use of swimming pool, and more.

We will also be discussing the need for the regular board meeting scheduled for next week.

Who: This meeting is open to all Lilac Park Homeowners.
If you want to meet your board members, voice concerns, or are want to check out having  a more active role in your homeowners association, we encourage your attendance.

Arnold 4th of July Parade!

Arnold Independence Day Parade!

  • Saturday, July 2, 2011
  • Hot dogs by the Pool – starting at 12:00!
  • All Lilac Park residents welcome!!