Lilac Park Yard Sale!

This is the first notice of the Memorial Day Weekend Yard Sale at the Lilac Park Pool.
Specific dates and times TBA.

All Lilac Park homeowners wanting to participate, contact the Board by Saturday, 5/21,2011!   209-795-3807 or

Job Posting: Pool Attendant

Summer is coming and Arnold Lilac Park Homeowners Association is looking for a Pool Attendant for the summer swimming season.

Please see the Jobs Posting Page for details about this position. An on-line application can be found at the bottom of that page.

This post is highlighted and will remain at the top of the page until May 1, 2011. Please see all new posts as they are listed below.

A few reasons why we love Lilac Park.

Email From Merita Callaway, Calaveras County Supervisor:

March 28 – roads were clear and snow was piled high – One of your residents needed help getting into her home. The call went out, and Lilac Park responded. You truly reflect what being a neighbor is all about. Thank you Lilac Park. Thank you.

Posted on the Bulletin Board by ALPHA’s Secretary / Treasurer:

A hardy thank you to GE for coming to the rescue on Sunday, March 27, with his 13 horsepower snow blower to create a path thru the 5 ft berm for a Lilac Park resident. G, in 30 minutes you did what would have taken 7 of us 3 hours. Thank you. …

Lilac Park isn’t the biggest community in Arnold, but we think it’s the best.

A few modifications to the web site.

Due to an increasing demand in the number of pages under the “Resources” heading to the left, the fire related links were moved to a new heading on the top menu bard called, “Your Property.”

You’ll also find a link under this heading called, “Property Maintenance,” which contains names and telephone numbers of people who perform lot cleaning/clearing services as well as others who do snow removal.

We have temporarily removed the photo gallery from the site because of some behind-the-scenes software issues. We’re in the process of getting those corrected and once we do, look for it to be posted under the “About” link on the top menu bar.

It is our aim to make the ALPHA web site a comprehensive resource of information for Lilac Park homeowners. We want our site to contain any information you may need to help you enjoy and maintain your Lilac Park property.

If you have any suggestions for this section, please let us know!

Weather Update

Good news! It looks like the snow has stopped. It’s still gray and overcast, but the snow has started to melt. The forecast is looking brighter….

Conditions Update: Friday, 3/25/11

Power Status – 3:30pm

Power remains on in Lilac Park. Grace Neurath, ALPHA’s Secretary/Treasurer, and her  husband Rene, walked Lilac Park this morning and found several trees down. There was one house with a tree on it’s roof and a deck that came down under the snow load. Both owners already know about it. If we find any other properties with any visible damage from the storm, we will be sure to let you know.

Power Status – 1:15pm

The power is back on in Lilac Park. Received word that a PG & E truck was headed to the top of the hill and an hour later the power was restored.  Let’s hope it stays that way.


Snow conditions are such that if you’re planning to head up to Lilac Park today, be prepared to dig out / blow off your driveway. Average snow depths are being reported at three to four feet with a berm that’s much deeper depending on where you are.

ALPHA Board Meeting for April 2011

Arnold Lilac Park Homeowners Association Board Meeting

  • Saturday, April 2, 2011
  • 10:00a to noon-ish
  • At the Public Library in Arnold.
  • Lilac Park Homeowners are welcome.

Update on conditions in Arnold

After days without power, cable, and for some, internet access, we’re back on line. The weather continues to be extremely stormy, with high winds and continuous snow fall.
We encourage you to check the “Webcam” tab, as well as the “Bulletin Board” tab, and add your comments about weather conditions in Arnold. This is a great venue to keep all Lilac Park residents informed. Thank you!
(If you need the password, send us an email, and we’ll send it to you.)

Power Outage Update

Power restored, Comcast service down

Attention Lilac Park Homeowners,

Power has been restored to Lilac Park as of 5pm yesterday (Tuesday, March 22 – it went out on Sunday, 3/20 around 11:00am), but Comcast service to much of the area remains non-operational. No ETA has been given as to when it will be restored.

We will keep you up-to-date via posts here on the ALPHA site and by e-mail.

Winter Storms Continue to Dump Snow

More snow is forecast for the Sierras and Arnold is expected to get more in the coming days. As always, please be prepared for winter driving conditions and carry chains. Be sure to check the road conditions (view ‘Road Reports’ to left) before heading into the mountains.

To view the Winter Storm Warning, click HERE.

Lilac Park Spring Web Site Launch

Welcome to the Lilac Park Spring Web Site!

The ALPHA Board of Directors has updated the web site for spring! None of the functionality has changed, but we did update many of the pictures, colors, and modified the layout slightly.

To keep the web site fresh, it is the Board’s goal to update the look and fee of the web site with the changing of the seasons.

We feel we have a pretty good handle on site content so that won’t change too much, but if you have any suggestions for our site, please let us know. We’re open to any and all ideas.