Since we’re approaching the 2012 pool season, I thought I would ask you, the association, about whether or not you would use hi-speed Internet access at the pool. If you rent your home, your pool-authorized tenants would have access to the service too.
Authorized pool users could connect to the Internet wirelessly using their laptop, tablet, or other mobile device to check email, surf the web, check the weather, fishing conditions, etc.
The ALPHA Board could use it in a number of ways, too, including: homeowner/renter sign-in when using the pool, automated time card management for the Pool Attendant, snack bar sales tracking, a future web cam, and required pool-data logging, among other things. However, having the Internet just for administrative use doesn’t make much financial sense unless a large number of pool users could benefit from it, too.
When you get a moment, please vote in the pool, er … poll, via the link below. You will need the homeowner password for the ALPHA web site to vote. We protected the page so that only ALPHA Homeowners and other authorized pool users can participate.
Vote Here.
I appreciate your feedback.
EDIT: Just to be clear, this is only an advisory poll designed to give us some idea of what association members are thinking. It is NOT an official election, nor will the results of the poll be the sole factor in the board’s action.