The snow level will certainly change, but we saw it starting to stick on Highway 4 at Forest Meadows at around noon.
We hope you all had a great Christmas.
Information about the Arnold area.
The snow level will certainly change, but we saw it starting to stick on Highway 4 at Forest Meadows at around noon.
We hope you all had a great Christmas.
A heavy storm is forecast to hit our area starting tomorrow. The chances of snow aren’t that great in Arnold since this is a “warm” series of storms, but a significant amount of rain is expected between now and Saturday. Snow accumulations are possible above 7,000 feet and at at night.
Four to six inches of rain is forecast for parts of Central California and traveling could be hazardous. Flooding is expected in low-lying areas so plan your trips accordingly and take additional precautions when driving in bad weather at night.
Click “Conditions / Storm Activity” to the right for an active weather map and road conditions.
Arnold Forecast
Severe Weather Alert
If you are considering the installation of a generator to your home, please do your homework to ensure that your installation is correct. Improper installation can be life threatening to both you and to PG & E linemen working on downed power lines during a storm. It’s best to have your new generator installed by a licensed electrical contractor familiar with generator installation.
– PG & E Info on Generators
– California Energy Commission
Even though these web sites are from areas far away from here, people that live in these areas use generators frequently because of very harsh weather.
– Central Maine Power Utility
– Lakeland Electric Company (A Florida Electric Utility)
A documentary film about California state parks made by an Arnold couple, will soon air across the nation on prime time television. Calaveras County residents can watch it on KVIE at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, and at 8 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 19.
Many Calaveras County residents were first introduced to David Vassar and Sally Kaplan at the premiere of their latest film “California Forever” held at Jack Knight Hall at Calaveras Big Trees State Park last February.
When the 75-minute film concluded, thunderous applause shook the rustic rafters of the hall as the entire audience showed appreciation for the beauty, drama and fascinating history of California’s state parks.
“It’s really nice to have a community this small that is this engaged,” said Vassar, who is an Emmy award-nominated director. “I think it’s a testament to people caring about parks.
“People need to be reminded of the sacrifice people made to create these parks and why they were set aside – to preserve the heritage of our culture and the natural heritage of the generations to come.”
Main sections in the film, which took 61 days to shoot in 47 different parks, focus on Yosemite, coastal parks, deserts and the Sierra Nevada.
While shooting the film, Vassar said he and Kaplan realized they had and abundance of high quality content that couldn’t possibly fit into one film.
“In the scouting and filming, we found that there was an embarrassment of riches,” Kaplan, who produced the film, said with a smile.
After putting their heads together with those funding the project, a decision was made to lengthen the first film and make a second film called “California Forever: Parks for the future.”
It will focus on the idea that California led the nation in the “park idea” and it will also have to lead the nation in facing the challenges that will face parks in the future, Vassar said.
“I think people have forgotten the legacy of California State Parks, and they’ve forgotten the sacrifices people made to set these places aside and they’ve forgotten what an incredible treasure they are, and they need to be reminded.”
Vendors and musicians interested in participating in this year’s event should e-mail us at info@scenic4.org. Camping is available in the area but spots go quickly so plan to come up a day early and stay through Sunday to give yourselves a chance to play on the pass or enjoy a drive over the hill. Lodging is available in Murphys, Arnold, Bear Valley and Markleeville for those folks who prefer indoor accommodations.
More details, click the graphic above or click HERE!
Call 209-728-1251 for more information or visit ironstonevineyards.com
July 27 through August 5, 2012
For more information, visit the Bear Valley Music Festival website.
WINGNUT ADAMS – Blues with a healthy dose of Harmonica at Cedar Center in Arnold. 6:30pm – Pack a picnic, bring your lawn chairs and/or blanket, and enjoy the free Music in the Parks series.
Come and learn about the area’s human and natural history along the paved portion of the Arnold Rim Trail. This relatively easy walk will last about 1.5 hours and travel about 2 miles. Wheelchairs and strollers welcome. Bring layers, sunscreen, hat, snack, and water please. Meet in the parking area of the Sierra Nevada Logging Museum in White Pines.
For exact time and more information on this event and others, please visit http://www.arnoldrimtrail.org/