Shortly after his fall, Frank underwent surgery to repair a broken hip and is currently in a rehab facility in Concord. Frank’s recovery has been slow-going over the last seven months, with some improvements and some setbacks.
According to Mike Willemsen, ALPHA’s Vice President, Frank’s slowed recovery will prevent him from fulfilling the duties of the office of President of the Board anytime soon.
As a result, the Board of Directors unanimously moved Frank away from the office of President and has named him ALPHA’s first “Honorary Board Member for Life” in recognition for all that he’s done for Lilac Park over the last 25 + years. While there are certainly other homeowners in Lilac Park also worthy of this recognition, the current Board of Directors wanted to recognize Frank and thank him for his leadership and past contributions to our community.
The board of directors is asking ALPHA homeowners to send Frank a card or note of encouragement to the address you will be receiving via email. For Frank’s overall privacy, we did not want to publish it here.
Thanks for all you’ve done, Frank. We appreciate you.
The ALPHA Board of Directors.